Meet KrazeyHazey, October’s spotlighted streamer

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

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We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our incredible community of streamers, and as part of our Stream Team Spotlighted Streamer interviews we recently talked to UK-based variety streamer KrazeyHazey, who’s running running a month-long horror game charity marathon in October focusing on first playthroughs and completing as many games as possible, with fun surprises, all in support of our work!

Hi there, introduce yourself! 

Hello there! My name is Hazey, I’m a part-time UK-based variety streamer on Twitch.

My goal and passions as a streamer are to build a safe and inclusive space for anyone who is feeling lonely, and to encourage positive discussions about mental health. I really like to make people laugh and if someone is having a tough day, I hope the stream makes it a little bit better.

I was born and raised in the UK, and I live with my wonderful wife and almost two year-old son, Benji. Gaming is my main hobby, but I also enjoy travelling, beer/wine tasting and the occasional rock climb! I love meeting new people and learning all about the world, so streaming has been a fantastic way for me to connect with others.

So how long have you been a streamer, Hazey, and how did you get started? 

I‘ve been a content creator since June 2019. I dipped my toe into streaming for the first time in 2013 when I first got my PS4, playing some Assassins’ Creed: Black Flag, then streamed some Destiny 2 sometime later. I always wanted to get back into streaming and managed to start properly when a close friend built me a streaming PC!

That’s awesome! These days, what’s your favourite kind of content to make online, and why? 

I really enjoy creating first playthrough content, especially for horror games, as a part of my regular Friday night streams, known as Spoopy Friday! I also enjoy my streams playing relaxing games to encourage discussions about our wellbeing and mental health, we make it a ‘Walk and Talk’ stream. For example, when I play PowerWash Simulator, the stream is called ‘Wash and Talk’. We’ve had some important and respectful discussions about topics that people have struggled with.

What are some of your favourite games, and why are they important to you? 

My favourite genre of games are action/adventure games with an incredible story. My favourite games are FromSoftware games, like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring etc. I love these games because they have amazing worlds, wonderful character and enemy design and subtle lore that’s enveloped into every corner of its world. These kinds of games are important to me because I feel I learn something or feel invigorated as a result of playing. Especially on stream, when I get to share the win of defeating a particularly difficult boss with my community!

How did you hear about SpecialEffect, and why have you chosen to fundraise for us? 

I heard about SpecialEffect from a member of our stream community, and then saw the team at their EGX stand this year! I chose to fundraise for SpecialEffect because supporting others is really important to me. I work in social care, specifically with mental health, and I’m passionate about doing what I can to make a difference in people’s lives. Loneliness is something that can be so damaging to someone’s mental health and SpecialEffect does so much to increase inclusion and improve the lives of so many people. I wanted to use my channel as a way to hopefully do more to support the amazing work of SpecialEffect.

That’s so kind of you, thank you! Tell us, what are your top tips for running a charity event?  

Thank you for your time today, Hazey! Where can people find you online? 

Thank you to all who have read this and thank you for all your amazing support of SpecialEffect! If anyone would like to share in my stream adventures and join the community, feel free to join on:

Find out more about our awesome Stream Team, and how you can streaming for SpecialEffect, on our Stream Team Page.