Eye Gaze Games
Eye Gaze Games is an exciting new games website we’ve been developing with Sun and Moon Studios and Earth Interactive. It’s a place where people can play free and accessible web games together on a level playing field.
Play Now!Our Eye Gaze Games website features the world’s first online multiplayer fully eye-controlled web games, enabling eye gaze users to meet and play against almost anyone across the globe on a level playing field.
We’re constantly developing new games, and current titles include Mole Miners and Eye Drive, plus popular board games like Checkers, Chess (as featured on the BBC), Sudoku and 4-in-a-Row.
Eye Gaze Games lets you compete against other players around the world, play against the computer at a range of difficulty levels or take on friends and family on the same device.
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Play it your way
There’s a huge range of settings options and a step-by-step setup wizard to help you create an interface tailored for your abilities. You can choose to play with your eyes, a mouse, joystick or up to two switches and each game gives you the option to play using larger onscreen targets or with more precise control. The comprehensive eye gaze settings can be adjusted at any time.
Eye Gaze Games lets you compete against other players around the world, play against the computer at a range of difficulty levels or take on friends and family on the same device.
More about settings
International eye-gaze chess
Watch Finland-based Kati, who has used eye gaze or head movement to communicate and access technology since experiencing a severe stroke 25 years ago, take on Lucinda from the UK, who played chess internationally while she was at school. They’re both using eye-gaze control with our Eye Gaze Games website.
Why eye-gaze?
Eye gaze technology lets you control your computer using eye movement alone, and we’ve been using it for over a decade directly with people with disabilities, building up a wealth of specialist technical and practical knowledge on the way.
Although much of our work involves helping people to play mainstream games through the creation of controllers and interfaces, there’s now a global need for games that are accessible for a wide range of eye gaze users. Eye Gaze Games meets that need by creating a worldwide eye gaze games room.
We also want the site to be a model for developers that highlights the additional enjoyment that can be gained from making their games eye gaze accessible.

Why web games?
Our mission is to bring inclusivity through technology, so we chose to focus on browser-based web games to allow as many users as possible around the world to play them on their own eye gaze systems, even using a lower spec computer. We also aimed to minimise set up, avoid downloads and reduce software incompatibility.
A big thank you to the generous backing from our supporters which enables us to make these games available to play for free.

Here to help
If you have any questions about our games or how the settings can be changed to suit your style of play, please do get in touch. Jordan has a single head switch which he normally uses to operate his communication aid, but our specialist assessment team helped the staff at his school to adjust the game settings so he could use it to enjoy playing Eye Drive.

For James
Eye Gaze Games is dedicated to the memory of Google Executive James Howard, a passionate supporter and the inspiration for this global project. Our heartfelt thanks go to his devoted family and friends whose support was invaluable in laying its foundations.

Play video games
If you have a physical disability and want to play video games, we’re here to do all we can to help you.
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We charge nothing for our help and receive no statutory funding, so we’re dependent on your generosity.
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