Wednesday, December 7th, 2022
Spare a couple of minutes to check out this amazing blog post from Lisa, who we’ve been helping to play games for many years.
She lost the ability to play games after back correction surgery when she was twelve, but in 2015 she heard about the charity and contacted our specialist assessment team for support. Between them they created an accessible gaming setup that unlocked the world of gaming again for her, and within a few hours she was tackling Assassin’s Creed, despite her very limited hand and finger movements.
“(to begin with) I was playing… like a complete noob,” she writes, “But I didn’t care. I loved that I could do it.”
Her basic setup hasn’t changed a great deal since that day, but her gaming skill levels have soared. Our team has been in regular touch, providing advice and updating the equipment as technology and her gaming preferences have developed. She currently uses a controller by her left hand for the left stick, nine small switches by her right hand, and a controller by her chin for the right stick and D-Pad.
It’s been wonderful to count Lisa as a great friend of the charity over the years, and a big thank you to her for describing the impact of our continuing help so eloquently. This commitment to lifelong support is a fundamental aspect of our work, and it’s been a privilege to have helped her maintain her enjoyment of the games she loves.
“The staff at SpecialEffect are always there for ongoing support,” she writes. “They go above and beyond and can never do enough to help.”