Support our life-changing work

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

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Montage of twelve images of SpecialEffect fundraisers supporting us in different ways eg running, football and driving challenges

There are so many ways you can support our life-changing work, whether it’s through a one-off donation, a regular gift, taking part in an event or running your own fundraiser.

Here are some of the ways you can get involved and help level the playing field for physically disabled people around the world.

Streaming, sport and fitness

Do you like to stream or create content? Are you sporty or into fitness? Taking part in one of our annual events might be perfect for you!





Support us while you shop

Next time you shop online, book holidays or simply order your groceries, you can support us when you do so! Sign up using EasyFundraising or GiveAsYouLive, and you’ll be able to support SpecialEffect. Best of all, it doesn’t cost you anything!

Regular Giving

Would you like to simply support our work when you can afford to? Sign up to either give a one off or monthly donation in whichever way best suits you.

If you have any other ideas as to how you, your employer or your company can get involved with supporting us, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us via this form and we’ll do our best to support you.