Harwell & Hendred proud to wear the shirt!

Friday, June 30th, 2023

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Boy's soccer team lined up in front of a goal with three adults standing behind them

Now THAT’S a football kit! It’s the boys of Harwell & Hendred YFC Under-11’s football team, who’ve been proudly representing SpecialEffect throughout the season, finishing third in their league and picking up five tournament winners trophies on the way!

They’ve been sporting the eye-catching design of our special edition shirts that appeared in FIFA 22, courtesy of James Taylor and Sesh Mumtaz of Xbox.

“They’ve loved wearing them at tournaments and representing the charity,” said team coach and long-term SpecialEffect friend Mike Foster. “Opposing teams have identified the kits from the PlayStation or Xbox and parents have asked about the charity.”

As a thank you for the shirts, the team recently held a football scratchcard fundraiser and raised nearly £500 for the charity.

We’d like to extend our grateful thanks to Mike, the team and everyone involved in making such a wonderful total possible, and it’s been fantastic to know that there’s been some amazing attention-grabbing football and shirts on show over the last year!

Image above: Mike (rear, right) with the team and coaching staff, along with SpecialEffect’s Tom Donegan (in football shirt)