The GameBlast difference
Your support is going to make a direct, practical difference to the lives of many physically disabled gamers around the world.
Here are just a few breakthrough stories telling how, last year (below, left to right) Sasha, Tye, Bella, Ethan, Pete, Eleanor, Paul and David were able to play to the best of their abilities thanks to game-changing interventions from our specialist assessment team – and thanks to YOUR support.
When the pandemic hit, you helped us to continue supporting people through remote support and online assessments. Read about (below, left to right) Wilson, Rebecca, Luca, Lily and Bex.
Your help will also enable us to continue working alongside hardware and software developers, to ensure that a feature in a game that’s worked successfully for just one individual can benefit thousands of disabled people with similar access needs right across the world. In addition, we’ll be able to create more freely-available accessibility utilities like EyeMine, Eye Gaze Games, and our DevKit, all of which are bringing the magic of gaming within reach of thousands more.
We provide ALL of this help free of charge, which is why your GameBlasting is so vital in bringing so much gaming magic to hundreds of people. A huge, heartfelt thank you from all the team here, and we can’t wait to join you in February for GameBlast22. Bring it on!
Gameblast News

“It’s cool being able to play the games I played when I was a kid!”
Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
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“No matter what MND throws at me, SpecialEffect come up with solutions”
Monday, February 26th, 2024
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“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to game without limitations”
Thursday, February 23rd, 2023
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